~ Unanswered Questions ~

Who decimated the Native American culture ?

Who gassed and burned millions of Jewish people" ?

Who kidnapped Africans, hung them and made them slaves ?

Who burned females alive at a stake because of their beliefs ?

Who made rules that said husbands can legally beat their wives with a rod, as long as it was no larger than their thumbs ?

Who tortured, killed and humiliated humans who did and do not live up to and behave accordingly to "made up" labels and codes created eons ago ? 

Who made laws that excluded females from voting, smoking or drinking publicly, or from participating in political conversations with males ?

Who tortured prisoners at Guantanamo Bay ?

Who made rules and why, that excluded females from 

working at high paying jobs ? 

Who made laws keeping female’s salaries lower 

than male's doing the same job ?

Who purposely defrauded honest investors and kept their money? 

Who made and makes rules to keep themselves powerful 

and in control of other humans ?

Who kidnaps, tortures and rapes billions of females on a daily basis, 

forcing many into sex slaves ?

Who added certain words to the English language eons ago, eliminating the freedom to be our true and authentic selves ?

Who changed male and female labels and not plant, bird and animal male and female labels ? 

Who re-labeled adult "females" and males to women and men and added required and acceptable qualities, characteristics, traits, talents and skills ?

Who re-labeled young "males and females" to boys and girls and added required and acceptable qualities, characteristics, traits, talents and skills ?

Who determined which sex was allowed to freely possess which qualities, characteristics, traits, talents and skills ? 

If we didn't or don't possess the "assigned by genitalia" qualities, characteristics, traits, talents and skills, we were and are subject to society's negative consequences


No more are we allowed to exist freely like plants, mammals and birds still are,

without threat of emotional and physical penalties.

And so it was, throughout kingdoms for centuries. How many humans have been and are being deviated and historically harassed, tortured, 

killed, or have committed suicide because of re-labelling who we basically are at our deepest and truest levels.

