"Faith is taking the first step,

even when you don't see the whole staircase"

~ Martin Luther King, Jr.




Below are suggested steps you can take, if you wish.

For this Being, they eliminated “Conditioning” and released "Baggage"

I'd been carrying since infancy, which eventually included

forgiving myself and others as well as the releasing of all shame and emotional fear.

By the twentieth step, I had been slowly led to a higher evolutionary existence,

 where emotional suffering ended and peace, joy, love and happiness prevails.




____1- Accept total responsibility for your life now; because you created it  

____2- Treat all problems as challenges from now on

____3- Give up all personal expectations and anticipations

____4- Cease personal complaining 

____5- Cease thinking negative thoughts of yourself and others

____6- Cease personal judging and criticizing of yourself and others

____7- Cease all gossiping and speak only of the good or positive in others

____8 -Give top priority to getting to know You. Become the Artist or the

            CEO of your Life and become familiar with your internal voices

____9- Be frequently contemplative, reflective and introspective on your inner life

____10- Forgive everyone who has ever hurt you, including yourself 


The previous "steps" seem more psychological in nature and the following seem more Spiritual...


____11- Focus daily on being in the “now,” presence of Life and be fully 

              conscious of what is around you

____12- Become aware of all you are grateful for and record them in a journal 

____13- Notice emotional "triggers" relating back to earlier negative experiences

____14- Detach from everything and outcomes of everything

____15- Write down, then share with someone you trust, all your past shameful 


____16- Eliminate personal wants and desires

____17- Love the Light in yourself unconditionally, as well as the Light in others

____18- Accept fully what currently IS, without necessarily condoning it

____19- Stay open and trust the unknown in every moment, choose Love 

              not Fear

____20- Be willing to let go of your "personal" identity and open to the deep

             formless essence/nature of You, which is what you were born as and is 

              your authentic Self.



“When you have come to the edge of all the light you know

and are about to drop off into the darkness of the unknown….

believe that one of two things will happen.

There will either be something solid to stand on,

or you will be taught to fly.” 

~ Patrick Overton ~











































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