Kaiven's Song of Life

a journey from pain to bliss


~ Yet to be written ~ 



I recently wrote this "off the top of my head" Any comments appreciated.....An attempt to describe in

words from the mind, the Great Spirit of all Creation.....clearly an impossible task...

I need to just be content with the joy and be grateful for living and Being IT, which I am for sure,

because I AM THAT and can't be any less than THAT



Rough draft below....


Source of Life/Love and Oneness

"God/ the Great Spirit," must be a powerful energetic kind of Life force which no doubt is responsible for the existence of Life ITSelf, as well as physical surroundings on Earth and elsewhere. It could also be that this energetic Universal Life force expresses ITSelf through the life forms IT creates in a process called Evolution. 

This powerful energy force has no doubt created galaxies, planets and more. On planet Earth, this Force has continued IT's evolution, creating millions of tiny living forms and then larger living forms, eventually populating Earth with what is called animal, mineral and vegetative Life.

It seems as if this Universal, creative, God/Spirit/Love energy has had an ongoing urge to see ITS "formless Self" somehow, by evolving and using one of IT's creations to reflect or "see" ITSelf. As a result, humans seem to have been chosen to allow for that exact thing to happen. A relatively few have already evolved to, or developed that ability. Many humans have been able to intuitively "see" with inner eyes and recognize, that Universal Creative powerful, Life/Love energy within their individual form. 

When that great Universal powerful Creative Energy is sensed and recognized within a human Being, it is sensed and felt throughout the whole body as an astounding Oneness of connection to something all encompassing. That "Oneness takeover," was a "beyond euphoric experience" for this Being, the second time "I" was pulled into IT.

These Oneness with Truth experiences seems to convince many humans that their body is much, much more than just a physical entity with a brain and other organs. This deeper, formless, truer, powerful Love Essence within, seems to be recognized as the great powerful Universal Source Energy from which humanity was created as well as being part of our physical Being. 

IT is what is the "True Self" of a human actually is, deep within. IT is an eternally powerful Love/Energy. The body will always die and decay, because it is only physical and can be seen with physical eyes. The physical body can be seen, judged and criticized by other humans, often inaccurately. But the inner "I" sense of our true Self is the formless Essence of a human Being and can never die. 

The physical body, referred to as "I," is not the true human Being. It is mistakenly believed to be true because most of us have been taught from birth that we are a physical body with eyes, nose, hands and feet.

But Life's great and True Love/Life, Creative Power lies deep within and when accessed and recognized, IT can propel us towards joy, unconditional love, peace and happiness, knowing we are truly One with this Creative Divine Essence, always evolving as the Eternal Energetic Life force that IT is. That is the real and truest "I" of all. I AM THAT...All life forms are also THAT and in THAT we are all ONE Life/Love/Energy/Soul, living in a form, but Being immortal.

